Today, cultural heritage and cultural tourism are one of the largest and fastest-growing tourist markets in the world. It is estimated that four out of ten tourists choose to travel to certain destinations motivated by the cultural offerings of the place. This only shows the increase in demand for cultural tourism and cultural heritage as diversification of tourism supply. The demands of tourists arise from their search for authentic new experiences and knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to conduct an empirical study of the tourism demand factors that shape the system of cultural tourism supply. The Ludbreg-Podravina region was selected for the case analysis, due to its considerable potential for the development of cultural tourism. A synthesis of the results, findings and conclusions of this research will be used to formulate certain critical recommendations and valuable guidelines for improving the cultural tourism supply in the destination.

Prethodno priopćenje / Preliminary communication
Preuzmite temuStranice 114-124.pdf

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