In the beginning of the Homeland War, the fiercest battles took place in Osijek area. There was an intense war dynamics of Croatian armed forces against part of the rebel Serbs and the Yugoslav People’s Army, resulting in the highest number of the military and civilian casualties. Due to the location of Osijek in Eastern Croatia, where Serbia borders the Republic of Croatia directly, the rebel Serbs and the Yugoslav People’s Army had an unlimited logistic support. Furthermore, the national structure of the population in Eastern Croatia, where there were Serb enclaves (Tenja, Bobota, Vera, Pačetin, Trpinja, Bijelo Brdo and other villages), facilitated Greater Sebia aggression and hindered the defensive activities of the Croatian authorities. The city of Osijek was a headquarters city having contributed to the defense of Eastern Croatia. The city economy was functioning continously during the Homeland War, strongly supporting its defense, despite the numerouus war damages and demographic losses.

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