From the very beginning, the »Podravina« was conceived as an international scientific journal for the entire area of the Drava river basin – from the Dolomites to the Danube. This is why both its publishing board and its editorial board consist of scientists from Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia and Austria. All of them have greatly contributed to the development and quality of the journal, while Koprivnica has become their place of gathering. Still, the greatest number of published papers are related to the upper Croatian Podravina. The journal »Podravina« has so far established a large number of young researchers and scientists from this area, which is one of our main tasks. The journal was established with the goal to assist in founding the higher education in Koprivnica, so that in time it could become a university edition. Owing to circumstances, this has been made possible, so the University North in Koprivnica has been the co-publisher of the »Podravina« for the last three years in a row. Even earlier, the agile Historical Society Koprivnica, gathering a large number of associates of the »Podravina«, joined as a co-publisher of the journal. This cooperation, with the support of the Ministry of Science, provides the journal with certainty and continuity in publishing.

Građa-sjećanje / MemoriesDragutin Feletar, Hrvoje Petrić
Preuzmite temuStranice 007-008.pdf

46 Prosinac 2024.
45 Srpanj 2024.
44 Prosinac 2023.
43 Kolovoz 2023.
42 Prosinac 2022.
41 Svibanj 2022.
40 Prosinac 2021.
39 Lipanj 2021.
38 Prosinac 2020.
37 Svibanj 2020.
36 Prosinac 2019.
35 Lipanj 2019.
34 Prosinac 2018.
33 Lipanj 2018.
32 Prosinac 2017.
31 Lipanj 2017.
30 Prosinac 2016.
29 Lipanj 2016.
28 Prosinac 2015.
27 Lipanj 2015.
26 Prosinac 2014.
25 Lipanj 2014.
24 Studeni 2013.
23 Lipanj 2013.
22 Siječanj 2013.
21 Srpanj 2012.
20 Studeni 2011.
19 Lipanj 2011.
18 Studeni 2010.
17 Lipanj 2010.
16 Prosinac 2009.
15 Lipanj 2009.
14 Prosinac 2008.
13 Lipanj 2008.
12 Prosinac 2007.
11 Lipanj 2007.
10 Studeni 2006.
9 Svibanj 2006.
8 Studeni 2005.
7 Lipanj 2005.
6 Prosinac 2004.
5 Lipanj 2004.
4 Studeni 2003.
3 Lipanj 2003.
1 Veljača 2002.